The present privacy notice is emitted and ensured in compliance with the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (collectively “la Ley”), furthermore we make to the present knowledge the following statements:




OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V., with the address to receive and hear any kind of formal notifications Blvd. Alberto Alvarado Aramburo s/n, Colonia Lomas de Palmira, Postal Code 23010 in the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur, is aware of the importance legitimate treatment involving, with the controlled and the information of its guests and users, for instance, it puts into disposition this privacy notice attention card with the purpose for users and guests to know their practice when getting, using, storing, and in a general subject handling personal data that are provided, under permission of the Law, its Regulation, its Guidelines, and all the rules that are applicable to it.




To process the following objectives described in the privacy notice attention card,OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. can use or collect data derived from the former user linking to the commercial relation that apply, considering at every moment what the Law states and all Regulation that results applicable.


The personal data that could be requested includes:


  • Full Name.
  • INE.(Official ID)
  • Contact details as: Personal address, phone number and email address.
  • Data for Invoices or receipts.
  • Bank information such as: Credit card number and/or debit.
  • Picture(s) of the people entering the hotel facilities.


In virtue of the following statements, according to the articles  8th , 10th  and 37th of the Law, financial data and /or from a bank are not considered to require your expressed consentment to be used. For this reason, we mention to you that we will never request personal data that can be considered sensible towards the Law. In any situation that OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. requires sensible data, this certain type of data will be requested to you as according to the Law.


For your knowledge we state that OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. does not gather personal information on underage people, by providing personal data you are stating you are legal of age and have read the content in this privacy notice up to detail.




OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. will manage personal data described in this privacy notice to fulfill the main purposes mentioned below:

  • Identify the owner.
  • Contact the owner. 
  • Update the data of the owner.
  • Provide answers to questions and comments regarding personal data.
  • Provide compliance and security in the commercial relation and/or the contractual relationship agree with the data owner.
  • Integrate the database with clients, suppliers/providers and visitors in the physical facilities.
  • Manage invoices in the corresponding matter.
  • Send the proper information for the hired service.
  • Carry out properly the income management of the company.
  • Verify your identity upon Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE).
  • Security surveillance under the facilities of the responsible.
  • Always preserve the safety of the people.


In an additional matter we will utilize your personal data for the following purposes that are not necessary for the purpose of the services hired, but brings efficiency to provide a better attention to our clients:

  • Provide additional information on services, further promotions, and informative newsletters.

In case the user does not wish its personal data to be shared for the additional services mentioned, it can revoke the consentment that had been given previously, along with limiting the use or release of these.


Mentioned the statements above, with the free right to write a letter with the established regulations from the Law, to the email:


At no time OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.will use personal data for distinct matters that are not compatible with the statements mentioned in this privacy notice, nor have data that are not in compliance with the stated criteria. At the same time, the user can navigate our website without the need of providing personal data.



OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. uses several technologies and technological tools to improve the efficiency and experience on our website. Within this technology is the use of ‘cookies’  which are small quantities of information that are stored in a browser used by each individual user, and will remember specific information so it can be used further on. This information allows us to idenify and safekeep personal preferences to provide a better experience on the website.

We notify you that our website counts with an applicable cookies policy, which you can consult through 



OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. does not provide personal data, unless they are necessary to comply with authorities and/or the Law.



The owner may request personal data provided to the company, to know how they will be used and in what conditions they will be used. Furthermore, at any moment the owner can request to OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. their rights for Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition (“ARCO” rights”). It is important to mention that at any moment the owner can revoke the consentment given of its personal data, limit its use or the sharing of these.


Mentioning the previous statement, the owner or user is free to send an email to:, indicating the following:

  • Name of the owner and personal data.
  • Email to communicate the answer of the request given.
  • Official ID that proves their official identity (INE, passport, professional license).
  • In case of being a moral person it should prove the legal person and/or the representative.
  • Clear and precise description regarding the personal data that the user may wish to execute their ARCO rights and modifications.


OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. will notify the answer through via email, in a time period of 20 business days regarding the requests submitted, if the request is confirmed and proceeded with, it will be taken into action during 15 business days until notified, according to the Law, the time periods can be extended only once per request only  if there is any justification taken into account under certain circumstances. The answer will be given via email to the email address provided by the user.

In case the information provided in your request may be insufficient,incorrect, lacking information or documents, we may ask you to submit the missing information within 5 business days to continue the action process upon your request. The owner or user of the request will be given 10 business days to attend the request given by the company after the day it is received. If there is no answer to our notification email, the request will be considered as not submitted.


For your easy reference, we prove you the ARCO rights:


  • Access.-  To be informed what personal data will be saved in the databases of OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V., for what reasons this personal data will be used, the origin, and the communication that has been done with them, overall, the terms and conditions of the management.
  • Rectification.- Correct or update your personal data in case they are incomplete or incorrect.
  • Cancellation.- Solicitar la eliminación de sus datos personales de nuestros registros o bases de datos cuando considere que la misma no está siendo utilizada adecuadamente.
  • Oposition.- Oppose by any legitimate cause to the management of your personal data..


If you wish to know more about the requirements and procedures for ARCO rights, we ask you to please contact the responsible of managing personal data of OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. through the email:



OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.adopts and maintains the security measures to protect personal data from damages, loss, modification, destruction, misuse, access, or unauthorized management.



OPERADORA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.  reserves the right to modify, add, or eliminate parts of this privacy notice at any moment to adapt it to any legislative or jurisprudential novelty, equivalent to any commercial practice. In case of any modification to this privacy notice, it will be notified to you in our internet website   



You manifest to have agreed and read the terms and conditions of this privacy notice, in addition, understand the purpose of the collection and management of personal data, furthermore, the use of your ARCO rights.


When providing information by internet, telephone, or in person, you are agreeing to use your personal data. This privacy notice will be available to you in